A true manifestation of JOYinCHRIST. Read more and see pictures at http://nac.today/en/208122 The core message of the Divine Service was about the word COME. “the Spirit and the bride, say Come!” Jesus used this word often, calling to follow Him. The true bride loves Christ and calls on Him to come. To come in every divine service and be among the two or three who gather in His name. He does come in the Holy Communion and the other sacraments and He will come on the day He appears for His bride. Let us pray more fervently than ever, what we express in the Lord’s prayer” “Your Kingdom come” According to reports all locations in South East Asia got the connection via internet or satellite and the reception was very well. Some 13000 could be reached from Lusaka. May the magic word COME continue to inspire us to continue what our Brothers and Sisters after the first Pentecost did, they continued…..
“steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in breaking of bread and in prayers” Acts 2:42
Dear Brothers & Sisters,
As it is widely known, this year’s Chief Apostle Visit will be in Singapore and Indonesia. It goes without saying that all are invited however please understand we cannot make arrangements for everybody, yet of course all are welcome to attend the divine service by our Chief Apostle. The details follow: Continue reading
On 1.2.2015 Apostle Fred Wolf served the Singapore congregation with the word from Matthew 5:48
“Therefore you shall be perfect just as your Father in heaven is perfect.”
The 2015 motto in the New Apostolic Church is: JOY IN CHRIST. Joy is the source of strength. Joy is energy. Where there is joy, no tiredness and no boredom comes up. When all are motivated by joy, there is LABOR IN LOVE because all are at work with love. Then giving becomes more blessed than receiving, and that is when THE KINGDOM OF GOD LIVES in us. May our joy in salvation, our joy in fellowship, our joy in serving, and our joy in daily life increase this year as we prepare for the return of the Lord! Continue reading
All New Apostolic congregations in the Philippines and throughout Asia celebrated Thanksgiving. Altars were decorated with crops and produce to mark the traditional customs of harvest thanksgiving. The focus in the sermon was on Psalm 104:27-28.
“We wait for Him who gives food in due season and gather what comes from His open hand” Continue reading