Every Sunday
(From 21 April to 26 May 2024)
at 10:30 a.m.
Oasia Hotel Downtown
Retreat Room 12th Floor
1100 Peck Seah St
Singapore 079333

Nearest MRT Station: Tanjong Pagar MRT Station (EW15) latest news –

A true manifestation of JOYinCHRIST. Read more and see pictures at The core message of the Divine Service was about the word COME. “the Spirit and the bride, say Come!” Jesus used this word often, calling to follow Him. The true bride loves Christ and calls on Him to come. To come in every divine service and be among the two or three who gather in His name. He does come in the Holy Communion and the other sacraments and He will come on the day He appears for His bride. Let us pray more fervently than ever, what we express in the Lord’s prayer” “Your Kingdom come” According to reports all locations in South East Asia got the connection via internet or satellite and the reception was very well. Some 13000 could be reached from Lusaka. May the magic word COME continue to inspire us to continue what our Brothers and Sisters after the first Pentecost did, they continued…..

“steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in breaking of bread and in prayers”    Acts 2:42