
The Clan Hotel
10 Cross Street
Singapore 048417

Mahjong Room
3rd Floor

Every Sunday
10.30 am

Nearest MRT Station:
Telok Ayer MRT Station (DT18) Exit B

Sunday 24 Dec 2043: Divine Service as usual, service at 10.30 am

Christmas Day: Wednesday 25 Dec 2024, service at 10.30 am

Closing of the Year Divine Service: Sunday 29 Dec 2024, service at 10.30 am

New Year Divine Service: Sunday 5 Jan 2025, service at 10.30 am

The longing of God’s children in Singapore for the ministry of a Chief Apostle has finally been fulfilled. After a wait of almost 9 years, Chief Apostle Jean-Luc Schneider returned to visit the little flock in Singapore on March 14, 2023.

“Although you are a small group, do not be discouraged. Salvation does not depend on the number of members in the congregation,” the Chief Apostle consoled. Like salt: only a pinch of salt is needed to give a dish a delicious flavor, so too they are expected to be the salt of the earth that makes an impact on their surroundings.

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“Prayer works!” is the motto of the New Apostolic Church for the year 2024. In his New Year’s address, the Chief Apostle explains how prayer works and gives initial impulses on how we can tap into the power of prayer. Continue reading

Once a year, the congregation in Singapore eagerly anticipates the visit of the District Apostle. Despite some delays, the faithful in Singapore rejoiced as they were blessed with a visit from the Apostles. On Sunday, October 15, 2023, District Apostle Edy, accompanied by Apostle Fred Wolf and Apostle Samuel Hadiwidagdo, delivered a powerful message based on John 3:17: “For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save it through Him.” Continue reading

Divine Service Date: 15 Oct 2023
Time: 10.30 am
Venue: Ibis Hotel, Jasmine Room, Please find exact location here

District Apostle Edy will visit Singapore together with Apostle Wolf and Apostle Samuel from 14 to 15 October 2023.

After the divine service, we will gather for fellowship with him and the Apostles.

We look forward to welcome District Apostle Edy, Apostle Samuel and Apostle Wolf.

Dear brothers and sisters, we look back on an eventful year in which we experienced the nearness and guidance of our Lord in one way or another. One thing is certainly true, also in 2022 God continued to pursue His plan of redemption and led us closer to our goal: the participation in the first resurrection to serve Christ as priests and reign with Him in the kingdom of peace. This is what we read in Revelation 20: 6. Continue reading