This year’s second edition of our worldwide congregation magazine is available. Download from this website, get hard copy in your congregation. The publication of the New Apostolic is a very informativ read. Spiritual topics are covered, soul care, doctrine explained, stories concerning our faith, news and most importantly the Chief Apostle’s proclamation of the living word. Even a children section and pictorial of our activities in South East Asia are not missing. Your feed back is appreciated.
Palm Sunday, 9 April 2017: Divine Service at 10:30 a.m.
棕樹主日: 2017年4月9日, 星期日 早上10:30聚會
Good Friday Divine Service: Friday, 14 April 2017: Divine Service at 10:30 a.m.
受难日崇拜聚會: 2017年4月14日,星期五 早上10:30聚會
Easter Sunday: 16 April 2017: Divine Service at 10:30 a.m.
復活節日: 2017年4月16日, 星期日 早上10:30聚會
Last Divine Service at The Verge (SHRI) will be on 22 Jan 2017.
Information on new location for Sunday Divine Service (with effect from 29 Jan 2017):-
Ibis Singapore Bencoolen (hotel)
Jasmine Room
170 Bencoolen Street
Singapore 189657
(Please note that entrance to Jasmine Room is through a separate door outside the lobby)
See Map below for direction.
Time: 10.30 am to 11.30 am
Contact: Gary Chan (Tel: +65 91818323)
Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever. Amen (Philippians 4:20) The Apostle Paul said “NOW”. Praise and worship is the essential task of all Christians and also today, this call is for “NOW”
Let us join together in this effort and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us so that we may all glorify our God and Father with one mind and one mouth. (Romans 15:6)

Remembering the departed is a Christian duty. God wants all souls to be saved.
Let our service of kindness, humility, meekness and longsuffering (Colossian 3:12) be for the living and the dead.
Amazing grace will bring the souls near the light of Jesus Christ. From darkness to the light. We join together in prayer and
….your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you” (John 16:20)
4th-16th October 2016. The New Apostolic Church is a global church. Its world-wide activity needs proper communication concepts and IT applications. The International Press-secretary, Bh. Peter Johanning and Erich Senn from Head Office in Switzerland visited Singapore for a 2 days workshop offered to NACSEAsia. Delegates from the Church offices in India, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines and Indonesia met for 2 days to learn new applications of Softwares like CenShare and were also instructed on updates of the in house developed OASYS (Overseas Administration System) The convention was concluded by attending the divine service at Singapore congregation on Sunday.
Please note that from 5 Jun 2016, Divine Services in Singapore will be held at:
Singapore Human Resources Institute (SHRI)
2 Serangoon Road
Level 6 The Verge
Singapore 218227
(The Building name is The Verge, please see map for location)
MRT: Purple Line (North East Line) – Little India Station (NE 7), Exit C
MRT: Blue Line (Downtown Line) – Rochor Station (DT22), Exit B Continue reading
But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
VICTORY WITH CHRIST. With this message based on 1. Corinthians15:57 the Chief Apostle sets a powerful accent for the year 2016. With the Lord’s promise Continue reading
Thursday, 26th June, 6 pm at RENDEZVOUS HOTEL